Professor yalemtsehay Mekonnen: the first female
professor from AAU
Professor Yalemtsehay Mekonnen is a biologist and an academic
member of staff at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
Addis Ababa University. She has worked in this Department for
the last 30 years. She received her PhD, specialising in human
physiology, from the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
One of her research areas is the assessment of the impact of
chemical pesticide hazard on humans. Tis research covers almost
all government farms including the Upper Awash Agricultural
farms and some private horticultural farms in the Rif Valley region.
Te other area of her research is in the use of plants as medicine
against human and animal diseases.
Professor Yalemtsehay Mekonnen served as Head of the
Department of Biology from 1993 to 1995 and as the Director of
the Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology from February 2003
to October 2007. In leadership positions she was involved and has
initated a number of national and international research networks
and collaborations. She is a member of many professional societies,
such as the Biological Society of Ethiopia, the Safe Environment
Association, the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society, the
New York Academy of Sciences and the Tird World Organization
for Women in Science. She has served as President of the Biological
Society of Ethiopia.
She has been awarded research grants and fellowships nationally
from the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission and the
Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization, and internationally
from the British Council, the International Foundation for Science,
Tird World Academy of Sciences, the German Academic Exchange
Service and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from
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